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Showing posts from August, 2018

Korge/Korlibs already works with Kotlin-Native on Windows

Last Week Korge started to work with Kotlin/Native on MacOS target. And of course, it also run on the JVM and the browser. Today, it starts to work on Windows x64 too. Korge for windows uses the Win32 and Opengl32 APIs (and MSVCRT used by MingW but ships with windows since Windows 95 OSR2), thus does’t have any external dependencies or DLLs required like SDL or similar. The executable size (without assets) is about ~7.3MB uncompressed, and ~1.2MB compressed as .7z including all the Korlibs required to run Korge with dragonbones. Download sample ~6 MB Performance note: This time I have not recompiled Kotlin/Native without freezing checks and bound-checking removal, so the performance is not as good as the MacOS vesion. The source-code is available at: And the specific commit supporting win32 in korui (fake, since right now it doesn’t allow to create components in addition to the main windows like the JS and the JVM targets). h

Korge/Korlibs already works with Kotlin-Native on MacOS

After some tries and several bug reports, Korge already works on Kotlin/Native. I have uploaded an  .app  file here showing the results. For the icon I have used a WIP ilustration that is finishing my wife. Edit:   Final version of the image for mmo-poc . The sample is the same as the other article that worked on JS and JVM, but this time in native for macOS without additional dependencies or frameworks. It includes three dragonbones samples: one with simple skeletal animation, other imported from live2d that follows the cursor and has tons of computations, and other showing slot replacement from an animation imported from Spine. The only difference is that text in buttons is not shown, and the edges of the buttons are not antialiased. The K/N version uses the integrated software-based rasterizer of KorIM. This rasterizer is not optimized, and do not perform antialiasing yet. Though it should w